Empower your clients while reducing costly manual steps.

As a lockbox provider you are tasked with meeting the evolving needs of your clients. Whether you are processing their mail payments, electronics (such as wires or ACH payments) or correspondence you need to quickly and efficiently complete their work with as few manual steps as possible. Creditron is proud to leverage the latest technologies that will allow you to do this and more, faster than ever before. Creditron’s Lockbox Client Portal (LCP) is a web-based interface that offers your customers unparalleled visibility and control of their payments.
- Integration with lockbox processing software allows your clients the ability to manage intra-day exceptions directly from the portal. Managed exceptions are sent back into the lockbox for inclusion in all downstream processes.
- Comprehensive search capability on all payments processed through the
system. - Detailed tracking and logging to support activity-based billing of your clients.
- Remote scanning for your customers. Clients who still receive payments to their
office can scan work directly into the lockbox from within the web browser itself
(no Creditron software to install) . - Roles based provisioning to segregate access to research, reporting, scanning
and intra-day exception activities. - Full suite of packaged reports which your clients can run on their own.