
Creditron provides non-profit organizations with the payment processing and receivables management solutions needed to speed funds availability, drive operational efficiencies and enhance donor service while addressing constant change.


We provide a flexible payment processing solution that offers many features tailored to donation and gift processing. Non-profits of virtually any size can use our solution to more efficiently capture, process, archive and distribute images and data from donations and gifts.

By automating donation and gift processing, non-profits can increase operational efficiency and better manage their fluctuating volumes. Most are able to decrease their temporary staff during peak volume periods, while meeting their receipting goals. We do this by eliminating the need to manually fill out batch slips or enter batches in a log, replacing cumbersome calculator tapes and greatly reducing the amount of operator keying; our solution enables non-profits to automatically capture and store key donor information such as name, account number, designation code and motivation code and generate output files for other systems.

Moreover, our solution allows non-profits to store the MICR data from the bottom of checks, eliminating the tedious process of manually cross-matching gift checks with donor ID numbers of file. With this functionality, users can mail receipts soon after processing gifts.

Leveraging the Web, our solution also provides authorized users anywhere around the world with fast access to archived information, including check images and payment data. Finance, accounting, marketing and donor service can receive automated delivery of images via email, while fundraisers and field staff can access donation information online during the day.

Key Features

  • Speed funds availability
  • Reduce manual keying
  • Eliminate the process of cross-matching gifts with donor ID numbers on file
  • Choose from several modes of operation
  • Easily configure workflows, data recognition processes used and balancing rules
  • Automate change of address handling and requests of more information
  • Eliminate the need to store paper documents or to copy and distribute documents for other departments

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